Berthoff, Ann E. “What Works? How do we Know?” Journal of Basic Writing 12.2 (1993) 3–17.
Collaborate. Compose. Innovate. Revise. Rewind.
About Being, Knowing, Creating, Composing, and Teaching
Berthoff, Ann E. “What Works? How do we Know?” Journal of Basic Writing 12.2 (1993) 3–17.
Berthoff, Ann E. “Rhetoric as hermeneutic.” College composition and communication 42.3 (1991): 279-287.
“Multiple Names”
“They [the Whorfians] sometimes make the environment identical with the ‘thought world’ of a people and thus claim a direct, one-to-one correspondence between word and whatever segment of the flowing face of nature has been perceptually isolated” (16). **allusion to the aforementioned Apache ‘waterfall’ word analysis? Isn’t this a rehash of The Phaedrus?
xii: “We cannot attend to what is salient concerning materiality without necessarily also extending our sweep to the ambient environms and the numerous objects therein, all fo which help scaffold our ability to generate what is salient. In other words, ambience takes on the order of a medium (not mediator), as Jen-Paul Thibaud argues, being a necessary constintuent of percpetion, thought, and action [AND THE SIGN] and therefore influencing the shape , direction, or ‘style’ in which they issue forth (10).” ***This is Berthoff & Montessori (less so Freire?) Is “attending to ambiance” = to crafting an environment? I think I can argue that it is TO SOME EXTENT, but an important one. The one we can control (a bit).